Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So here we sit on Caloran waiting for the next round of drinks at this sleazy TAS bar. We are meeting our rep from the bank. We just completed our first repo job and I know I'm feelin pretty good right now. Who am I you ask? Well some know me by my birth name, Eris Howard Norris, but for all concerned I'm Astrid Douglas, Repo Babe. I know the title is a bit lame, but hey a girl in my line of work is never gonna be called princess. Well not in a nice way..riiight? I am pure blood Vilani, so I sorta stand out around here. Before I hooked up with this crew I worked as a TAS Journalist. I was born into one of those family's, you know a lot of money and a relative with political power sorta folks.  I wanted nothing more than to be out in the world and on my own. So I started working with the Travellers aide society doing field reporting and some how I found myself trained in combat journalism. To look at me you would think "She doesn't belong here." but oddly enough I fit right in. Boss likes to use me as eye candy, the deadly kind, when the mission calls for that sort of thing, which seems to be more often than not.  I personally consider the ability to slip into something tiny and slutty and conceal two body pistols, and a knife, an art.
    I guess you should meet the crew. We have one pervy old fleet admiral named Chewy Zulu, My buddy Gavin Spriggs who is a free trader (of the best shrooms and nugs in town), Dr.Barrett Romanov our crazy Doctor, The noob and ex-Marine Lt. Col. Stormie who is our muscle, and Grunion our fast talkin Scout. You will learn a lot more about them soon enough, back to the story.
   So the rep finally shows up and hands us two contracts to look over. Being a pro-active thinker, I said we would take them both and the crew agreed. The first contract is a big one, as in 26.3 million big ones. This Liner has gone missing with it's crew and some passengers. She is the AdAstra and she was last seen in Imperial space which sucks for us cause three of us are wanted for murder over there, we didn't do it, I swear!. So this ship takes 6 people to run it and we have just enough crew to pull it off. Once we have it BAM! we make 26.3 million. Sweeeet! The second contact is for a Seeker. It was last seen on Tremous Dex, we will only make 2.4 million for this one so we jump on it first. 5,000 Cr  for mid passage later and I kick back and get mah study on. We will be landing at a B class space port on a law level one planet, should be fun.