Friday, January 29, 2010

Seeking the Seeker: part 2

   After I toss back the rest of my drink I decide it is time to start working the room. I make my way to the dance floor and do my best hooker-booty-look-at-me dance but really get no where. These guys are pretty  low on the evolutionary scale so I don't know why I still hold them to such high expectations as my own. Next thing I know four huge apes walk in the door, two flank the door and two others make a path through the crowded club. The front door of the club opens and a very distinguished and well dressed gentleman struts his way in. As he makes his way to the back of the club I make eye contact with Chewy and the gang and we all prepared to re-group.The VIP leaves us with his goons and Chewy asks the bartender if he can share any info on who the guy is. Course all he can tell us is that the guy is a local business owner and a man of influence. Chewy thinks about it a minuet and I move a bit closer to the guards by the back door. 15-20mins later Chewy gets it in his head that we need to talk to the guy in the back. So he approaches the guards and tries to bride them with 100cr for a meeting. They are not real open to this idea and Chewy almost get us shot..again. Finally the VIP comes out with a large payroll box and takes his thugs and leaves. Things seem to relax and go back to normal, well normal for these freaks. So all we know is the guy we are lookin for sold his rock to the assayers office. So Chewy and I head out to check the Assayer office and the starport for Horton or his ship. We stroll into the front door and ask the clerk for info on ole Horton. The guy gives us a wary look and sighs deeply while rolling his eyes, I am tempted to shoot him but Chewy beats me to it and slips the guy 100 cr. Clerky tells us that Horton had cashed in 15 tons about 8 weeks ago and that the rock he had could only be found in one spot near one of the corprate compounds. Chewy slips him another 400 cr and asks if he has seen the ship cause really it is the ship we are after, ole Horton could be spaced for all we know. We get a com call from Doc, he went to check the local clinic for medical records on our guy but comes up empty handed. Gavin stays low and makes some reward flyers offering these locals 10,000cr for info. I am sure that will get us a nibble. Next we stop by the Corprate offices and find out that they know our guy but have not seen our man or our ship since the last time the escorted him off thier land. This was about four months ago which didn't help us at all. So we ask him to spread the word about the reward for the location of Horton and the Nutronium Strike his Seeker.
   Doc wanders about making friends and gets the low down on where the free miners and seekers hang. So we head out to this redneck bar. We walk up to the counter and find out nada from the bartender cept Horton has a tab that needs to be paid. So we offer 1000 in mineral to anyone who has any info. Seems like we are spending an awful lot on this little ship. We get a hit right away from a guy rockin a full vacc suit that looks like he put it through a blender before rolling around in the mud in it. He had a fantastic smell that was a cross between the great unwashed and pure raw sewage. Good news is he knows where our guy is, so he makes a deal with Chewy that includes the 7 day trip to get there and 1,000 cr up front with 6,000cr more to follow on finding our man. So we order drinks and make our plans for this trip and Chewy has us leave in pairs. He and I make our way out the door and down the street. As we exit this big guy bumps into Gavin, this seems to happen to Gavin a lot, I blame his magnetic personality. Gavin pats down all his pockets and finds nothing missing. Chewy and I hit the bank and get the reward money together compleatly unaware that things are about to get crazy back at the bar.