Thursday, September 16, 2010

Liner recall 2

    Chewy had hit the turret Grun had taken cover behind, he took some damage as he was blown off . The ship starts to maneuver evasively, I fire and can't tell if I hit or not, they fire on me and they hit our turret. Doc hits the other turret and Gavin goes live and says "surrender".  "Fuck you!" they say and Doc hits them again and sees someone get sucked out. Grun coms them and says "Stop the fuckin ship you morons, Red is gonna be so pissed when he sees how you fucked this up." They respond saying "Alright. alright." and they kill the drives. Grun repairs his vacc suit as best he can and is maintaining. So Stormie leads the way and tries to board the ship. Chewy tells them over the com "Open the fucking hatch". Grun says "Quit monkeying around." and chewy persists that they need to open the hatch. The crew gets smart and the hatch bursts open and Grun rips Chewy a new one for endangering us all. On the ship Stormie approaches the next hatch and it opens and the guy fires on her. "Holy Motha!" she shouts and hits him with 3 rounds from her gauss gun and kills him, as he keels over a cloud forms from the atmosphere venting from the holes in his vacc suit. He had fired at her at same time and hit her with a laser carbine and she takes damage. She radios in with the kill and chewy orders Gavin to go over to the ship and help, so Gavin shoots out a guy line with his sticky cannon and misses, he aims and fires again and hits the ship and is able to board. Gav looks around and sees the corpse, then heads to the bridge with Stormie leading the way. They make it to the bridge and finds it abandoned. Gav starts the ship and hits all stop. Chewy docks the seeker and comes aboard with Doc. They stumble across the corpse and Doc rushes to the bridge and fixes Stormie up. I get back into what I think is com range for grun. I hit orbit and wait for him to join me and board the ship. I hear *SMASH* and the "FUCK!" as Grun hits the ship hard but makes it on board. Back at the seeker Gavin finds an severely injured man and they count 2 dead, so three of the org. 4 are out of the picture.

   Grunion gets in the ship and pops a pep pill and I turn the ship back to the others. We dock and head on to the captured ship. Grun rushes to the bridge and heads to Doc. Doc notices he is talking faster than a crack whore with a fresh wad of cash and shakes his head. He patches him up and we start getting things ready to go. We have taken the new ship! It has jump 5 it is a 300 ton explore class long range scout. it is armored, it has a duration of 330 hours with out refueling. Sadly it has 0 agility, its not a fighter, but it is a full survey ship. One missile turret is still intact with 30 high explosive missiles on board. The ship can be operated by a staff of 2 and should be worth 100+ million. The ship has a closed air raft intact, slow but trusty, has a large holo display and a hud display. You can control this shit from any panel! It carries 28 tons of cargo so Chewy should be happy. We find out the ship is owned by a merc group that has been hired to survey this rock. So we head back and complete the survey. They had been surveying several areas in the plains. Grun notices they were doing densometer scans, he analyzes the scans for more info but can't really grasp what they are looking for. He remembers them saying "we have 4 weeks to get this hollowed out ... " now to figure out what that freakin means. So some stuff we find broken so we have some repairs to do. Chewy brings us back to orbit the rock. Grunion begins to survey the rest of the rock and 6 hrs later the com pops to life. Uh oh...."Magellan this is base come in..." Gavin goes to answer it and he shots a beam back in response that we are making progress, we are almost done and we want to finish. They say "Neg, return to base boss wants to talk to you. " We check the nav logs and see that we have 36 hrs between us and base. Doc give the captive a shot and he wakes up. We begin to pump him for info and Grun asks him " You a family man?? A merc ??" the guy says "Fuck you!" and Chewy says wrong answer and starts to hit the guy but the group stops him, I say "hell we should have spaced him before!" "Whoa" he says, "keep those two away from me", referring to me and Chewy. Then he spills the little bit of info that he knows. The ship is owned by a merc co, about 2k employees. Grunion starts to fast talk him and pump him for info. and begs for his life.  We get as much info about the merc co and the crew. So we put the crewman, turns out his name is James kroner, in his cold sleep pod and we hide the ship and download all the ships logs and video. Sadly we don't gain much information. Two miles of tunnels and a cargo bay. Turns out these blokes are not to smart so why are they here? We rig up a com trick to act out a transmission that says we are having problems and then cuts off as if we lost com completely. In the cargo bay we find probes, vacc suits, small arms, couple of shot guns. 30 days worth of rations for 5 people, 5 planetary range coms, a prefab pressure bubble big enough for 10 men. Then we find a hostile environment kit, a life saver. 5 psysheild helmets, 5 hand coms, 3 helmet recorders and 2 field med kits. Did I mention I love loot?